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Breathalyzer Costume 101 | DIY Steps, Pro Tips, and Where to Snag Yours!

Have you ever imagined turning a routine breathalyzer test into a playful and amusing Halloween experience? Well, look no further! In this blog post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a breathalyzer costume yourself and suggest where to buy one if you’re short on time.

What Is A Breathalyzer Costume?

A breathalyzer costume, or a breathalyzer test costume, to resemble a real breathalyzer test, is the device used to measure blood alcohol content (BAC). It is usually worn during events like Halloween or costume parties. 

This DIY creation can be made from materials like cardboard or foam board, painted to resemble the real thing, and even adorned with amusing slogans for an extra dose of humor.

Materials Needed For Creating A Breathalyzer Costume

Crafting a DIY breathalyzer test costume is a simple and enjoyable project. To get started, gather the following materials:

Breathalyzer Prop:

  • Cardboard or foam board: For creating the main body of the breathalyzer.
  • Paints, markers, or glitter: To add details and mimic the appearance of a real breathalyzer.
  • Pool noodles or cardboard tube: For the mouthpiece.
  • Optional: Buttons, bells, glow sticks, LED lights for an extra eye-catching element.

Clothing Items:

  • Shirt and pants: Choose colors that complement your breathalyzer prop.

Adhesive Materials:

  • Glue: To securely attach the breathalyzer prop to your clothing.
  • Tape: For any temporary fixes or adjustments.
Image: Freepik

These materials are readily available and budget-friendly, making crafting your breathalyzer costume at home easy. 

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7 Steps To Create A Halloween Breathalyzer Costume

Here are the steps to bring your breathalyzer outfit to life:

Step 1: Design Your Breathalyzer Prop

  • Cut the cardboard or foam board into the desired shape of a breathalyzer.
  • Use paints or markers to add details such as buttons, a screen, and a mouthpiece.
  • If you want, add LED lights and bells for extra flair.

Step 2: Attach the Prop to the Clothing

  • Securely attach the breathalyzer prop to the front of your shirt using glue and tape.
  • Make sure it’s comfy and secure for easy movement.
Image: Reddit

Step 3:  Match Clothing Colors

  • Pick a shirt and pants that go well with your breathalyzer prop.

Step 4: Add Humorous Details:

  • Put funny sayings or labels on your costume to make it a funny breathalyzer costume.
  • Make it playful and amusing, playing on the breathalyzer theme.

Step 5: Ensure Safety and Comfort

  • Check for any sharp edges on the cardboard or foam board and cover them if necessary.
  • Make sure the costume allows for easy breathing and movement, prioritizing safety and comfort.

Step 6: Optional: Add LED Lights (If Not Already Included)

  • If you didn’t add lights before, think about putting them in now for extra visibility, especially in darker places.
Image: Pinterest

Step 7: Personalize and Adjust:

  • Take a moment to add any personal touches or creative details to make your Halloween breathalyzer costume uniquely yours.
  • Make final adjustments to ensure everything is securely in place.

Now, get ready to show off your awesome breathalyzer costume at your next spooky event!

Tips For Making A Breathalyzer Costume

Pay Attention to Details:

  • Use hot glue for a more permanent hold on the dials and mouthpiece.
  • Make sure the mouthpiece is comfortable to blow into and not too long.

Know Your Audience:

  • Customize your costume based on the event. If it’s for adults, you might want to add some grown-up humor.

Make it Yours:

  • Get creative! Add personal touches to make your costume unique and show off your style.
  • If you’re not comfortable painting or drawing, you can print out templates and glue them onto the foam board.
Image: spencersonline

Test Your Moves:

  • Check if you can move comfortably in your costume. Practice walking around to avoid any surprises.

Keep it Simple:

  • Don’t overcomplicate things. Focus on the main elements that make it look like a breathalyzer.

Enjoy the Process:

  • Have fun making your costume! Let your creativity flow, and don’t forget to enjoy the whole experience.

With these tips, your breathalyzer costume will be a hit, spreading smiles at your next costume event!

Where Can You Buy A Breathalyzer Costume?

If you don’t have time to create a Breathalyzer Costume, the good news is finding a breathalyzer costume is easy, and there are several places where you can purchase one:

Online Retailers:

  • Amazon: Several sellers offer different styles and brands of breathalyzer costumes on Amazon. Prices typically range from $30 to $50.
  • This dedicated costume website features a standard adult breathalyzer costume for around $40.
  • Spirit Halloween: Brick-and-mortar Halloween costume retailer Spirit Halloween also has an online store with a breathalyzer costume for about $40.
  • Other online retailers: You can also try general online retailers like Walmart, Target, and Etsy, which may stock costumes depending on the season.

Costume Stores:

  • Local costume shops: Check your local Halloween costume stores. This is a good option if you want to try on the costume before buying it.
Image: Spencersonline


The breathalyzer costume is a playful and creative way to add laughter to any costume event. Whether you choose to make one yourself or opt for a ready-made option, this whimsical outfit is sure to bring smiles and make your presence unforgettable.

More tips and advice about events? Pick an event that you’re concerned with, and we’ll give you a helping hand!


What are the Unique Features of a Breathalyzer Costume?

Humorous slogans or labels for added fun.
Using LED lights for extra flair.

How do you make a DIY Breathalyzer Costume?

Craft a breathalyzer prop from cardboard or foam board.
Use paints or markers to add details.
Attach the prop to the clothing with glue and tape.
Personalize with funny slogans or labels.

Where Can You Buy a Breathalyzer Costume and What are the Price Ranges?

Online retailers like Amazon,, and Spirit Halloween.
Local costume shops and party supply stores.
Typically between $30 and $50, depending on the quality and brand.

What are the Best Occasions to Wear a Breathalyzer Costume?

Halloween parties, Costume parties, or themed gatherings.

Ref: Szeek


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