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Easter Sunday 2025 | Your Ultimate Guides with Activities, Treats, and More!

As the blossoms bloom and the days grow longer, Easter Sunday 2025 promises to be a day filled with hope, warmth, and cherished traditions. In this blog post, we’ll unwrap the joy that this special day holds from timeless traditions, fun-filled activities, and the meaningful moments that make Easter Sunday a beacon of hope and renewal. Let’s embark on this journey together, embracing the joy of Easter Sunday 2025!

Image: Freepik

When Is Easter Sunday 2025?

Easter Sunday in 2025 falls on Sunday, April 20th. This means Lent begins on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025. Other key dates surrounding Easter Sunday 2025 include:

  • Palm Sunday: April 13th
  • Maundy Thursday: April 17th
  • Good Friday: April 18th
  • Easter Monday: April 21st

So mark your calendars and start planning your Easter celebration!

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Traditional Easter Activities – Easter Sunday 2025

These traditional Easter activities are timeless and bring joy, creativity, and a sense of togetherness to the celebration of Easter Sunday 2025.

1/ Egg Hunts:

Gather family and friends for the classic Easter egg hunt. Hide colorful eggs filled with treats or surprises around your home or garden.

Image: 365 Things to Do in Houston

2/ Easter Baskets:

Create personalized Easter baskets filled with goodies like chocolate bunnies, candies, and small toys. It’s a delightful tradition for both kids and adults.

3/ Easter Parade:

Participate in or attend an Easter parade featuring floats, costumes, and cheerful music. It’s a great way to soak in the community spirit of the season.

Image: Roadtrippers

4/ Carrot Cake Feast: 

Bake and share a classic Easter dessert – moist carrot cake with creamy frosting and maybe even a cute bunny decoration.

5/ Egg Decorating:

Get creative with egg decorating! Use dyes, stickers, and markers to turn ordinary eggs into vibrant works of art. This activity is perfect for all ages.

Image: Freepik

6/ Hot Cross Buns: 

Bake or enjoy these spiced buns, a symbol of Easter Sunday morning breakfast. Try variations like chocolate chip or fruit-filled.

Easter Games for All Ages – Easter Sunday 2025

1/ Egg Rolling Races: 

A simple yet thrilling outdoor activity. Use hard-boiled eggs and spoons to race down a gentle slope, cheering for the winner.

Image: Baamboozle

2/ Pin the Tail on the Bunny:

Put an Easter spin on the classic party game “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” Blindfold participants, give them a bunny tail and see who can pin it closest to the bunny’s tail.

3/ Jelly Bean Guessing Game:

Fill a jar with jelly beans and have participants guess the number. The closest guess wins the jar of jelly beans. It’s a sweet and simple game for all ages.

4/ Hot Potato Bunny: 

Pass a stuffed bunny around (like a hot potato!). When the music stops, whoever holds it hops like a bunny! The last one hopping wins.

5/ Bunny Relay Race: 

Teams hop on one leg across the finish line and back, handing off a carrot (stuffed animal works too!) to the next teammate. The fastest team wins the carrot crown!

6/ Egg and Spoon Race:

Organize a classic egg and spoon race where participants balance an egg on a spoon and race to the finish line. The catch? If the egg falls, there might be a penalty!

Image: Flickr

Easter Decorating Ideas – Easter Sunday 2025

1/ Easter Wreath:

Welcome guests with a festive Easter wreath on your front door. Use pastel-colored ribbons, faux flowers, and small Easter Sunday 2025 decorations to create a cheerful display.

2/ Easter Egg Tree:

Transform branches into an Easter egg tree by hanging colorful eggs using ribbons. Place it as a centerpiece or in a decorative vase for a charming Easter touch.

Image: Prima

3/ Table Centerpiece:

Create a stunning Easter centerpiece for your dining table. Arrange fresh flowers, Easter eggs, and candles in a beautiful display to set a festive atmosphere.

4/ Bunny Silhouettes:

Cut out bunny silhouettes from colorful paper or cardstock and attach them to walls, windows, or even the Easter brunch table for a playful and whimsical decoration.

5/ Eggshell Candles:

Repurpose eggshells into mini candle holders. Place small tea lights inside decorated eggshells for a charming and unique addition to your Easter decor.

Image: HelloFresh Blog

Traditional Easter Food – Easter Sunday 2025

1/ Easter Ham:

Baked or glazed, Easter ham is a centerpiece on many tables. It’s often prepared with a flavorful glaze, making it a savory and indulgent dish.

2/ Lamb Roast:

Roast lamb is a traditional Easter dish symbolizing the Lamb of God. Seasoned with herbs and served with mint sauce, it’s a flavorful and festive choice.

Image: The Spruce Eats

3/ Deviled Eggs:

Hard-boiled eggs halved and filled with a creamy yolk mixture – deviled eggs are a beloved Easter appetizer or side dish that adds a touch of nostalgia.

4/ Carrot Cake:

Moist and spiced carrot cake topped with cream cheese frosting is a popular Easter dessert. Decorate it with chopped nuts or grated carrots for a festive touch.

Image: My Food Book

5/ Spring Vegetable Quiche:

Incorporate the freshness of spring vegetables into a savory quiche. Spinach, asparagus, and mushrooms make for a delightful Easter Sunday 2025 brunch or lunch dish.

6/ Chocolate Nest Cakes:

Create adorable nest-shaped chocolate cakes by shaping chocolate-covered noodles or pretzels into nests and filling them with candy eggs. A fun and sweet Easter Sunday 2025 dessert.

Image: BBC

These traditional Easter foods bring a sense of familiarity and joy to the holiday table, making the celebration even more special.


Whether you’re partaking in an egg hunt, savoring the flavors of a festive meal, or simply spending time with loved ones, this celebration is a reminder of hope and new beginnings. May Easter Sunday 2025 be a time of reflection, gratitude, and shared moments that create lasting memories for all.

More tips and advice about events? Pick an event that you’re concerned with, and we’ll give you a helping hand!


What activities do you do during Easter?

Egg decorating, Easter egg hunts, and spending time with family.

What are the traditional Easter activities?

Egg hunts, Easter baskets, egg rolling, and festive meals.

What is the most popular Easter activity?

Easter egg hunts are widely popular among both children and adults.

How do you celebrate Easter in a fun way?

Create a joyful atmosphere with egg decorating, a delicious Easter brunch, and engaging in an egg hunt with family and friends.

Ref: The Pioneer Woman | Play Party Plan


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